Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016


Good afternoun ladies and gentlemen, How are you today ?????
       My name is khoirunnisa, I Live in a new trench Army personnel, Madusari village, Kubu Raya, Sungai Raya, West Kalimantan Province, precisely with the capital city of Pontianak.
     Friends, every human being must have a variety of ways to advance the place of residence, ???????????????
     My friends would recommend the place I live, especially in Parit Baru Power, My recommendation is:
1. improving facilities and infrastructure, such as road repair, repair places pendidikan.Mengapasaya say that, because, I am a very broken way, especially if the season rain.And be done with appropriate care, in order to avoid further accumulation of stones -Stone are not handled properly, resulting in a roadside irregular.
   It is true, now as a great community in which I've realized how imortenta education for life now and in the future, but there are obstacles in education for the community very much, so one recommendation of that education sayatentang adequate education for learners
b.fasilitas adequate education for the students, because if the facility has been met with good then, then the process will pembalajaran and will not hamper for students and for educators.
c.Teacher quality
       As well, it can all be obtained with low cost.
3.welfare of the community, from my recommendation, namely:
a.give a factory to the farmers, so that sets forth the results obtained from a farmer to improve living conditions.
b.givea fertilizer
c.PUSKESDES to society  with the best services and free.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

makanan terakhirku ???

Haiiii ladies and gentlemen

      Living creatures that live to thrive (rather always increasing, both in the form of physical or nonphysical), every living creature also have special needs and how to process different, be it "HUMAN PLANTS and ANIMALS".
      Humans also have a very distinct difference with other creatures such, the mind (of course, to think), and lust "but keep in mind both should be balanced, meskisulit.
    Every human being has the desire and ability diverse, a small example of my own, my desire would have been different with all of you desire, be it food, clothing, and so forth,
    a small example of my own, my desire would have been different with all of you desire, be it food, clothing, and so forth,
    If I had to choose a last meal that can be eaten in this world, "definitely I prefer food that keeps me hayal power cut, and others will choose BAKSO GIANT sebagainya.Saya as a last meal for me, even though you all would have been different.
     The reason why I chose the meatball, the first one, because I really like to eat meatballs (although it's not every day hahaha), the second because the price is very cheap, can be found anywhere, and anytime, be it morning, noon, afternoon, and I could go to eat meatballs.
    Now this is the name of the meatballs very diverse, ranging from a simple name to a very unique name, such as meatball eggs, meatballs sapi.bakso veins, pack long meatballs, meatballs or meatball pakle buk le, meatballs devil, meatballs astaghfirullah, etc. .Please be selected as desired are you interested.
    One more thing is very tasty meatballs eaten while hot especially with the cold weather.
Thank all

Sabtu, 26 November 2016


Letter to my future (10 years)
   future can not afford to be described in each prayer and my day. Please long convey to the future that I can not groped, I can only dream of designing in front of me. next 10 years, hopes very much and very large.
     10 years from now I want to be a successful person, who can succeed the school, where I live, the State, as well as the coming year my family.10 I also would like to see teachers, my parents, family, and people who have supported me can be proud to me.
      10 years in the future may be all that dreams can come true and hopefully I can still share the happiness with both my parents and the people I love, amiiiiiin.
      10 years, after all my wishes can come true, I also hope to have a companion that GOD allow (exactly can be said for the priests of the world and my hereafter later "hehehehehehehehehe").
    However, all is not easy for me flailing, it takes effort very hard should I do it.temptation-trials of life are also always willing to step over me when advanced. I  need a strong impulse by the people around me, thanks to prayer and urge the people around me, I will be stronger and not easy to fall off.
        Let alone for the next 10 years of my future for the next one year, at least I've been able to get Scholarship, so that I can continue my studies without  worried lack of funds to pay the semester.

"Regards future still a mystery"  

Jumat, 18 November 2016


H allo ladies and Gantlemen………
 How are you today?????
I will tell you a little premature to share with all my friends especially those who are reading this blogging about  my favorite songs while karaoke .......
           First I have always liked karaoke with a D'Masiv songs white a tittle "Do not Give Up", I chose that song because in a song, taught me a lot about life that always takes the name of the struggle, as well as in the song was also taught that every trial that came of god is always a way out in improv problem a life within the song was taught to always be gratiful.Morever for new friends in college, certainly a lot of joy and sorrow that her name should always go whatever the circumstances.Is not it????
          The Piece lyrics are "jangan menyarah,,,,,,,,jangan menyerah hohoho……..sukuri apa yang ada hidup adalah anugrah……tetap jalani hidup ini melakukan yang terbaik………………!!!!!!!!!!!
          Very touching you, suited to ponder friend .........................
          The second is song a Ayu Ting-Ting that the guarantee can raise the spirits of us who are not spirit entitled "SAMBELO" very pleasant when we karaoke.In the song is very interesting words, for the upset-upset especially those who are betrayed definitely will cheer you all ............
          Please invite your friends to a karaoke joint, calculated in order to be closer .....


Senin, 14 November 2016

Haloo ladies and gantlemen ........
            I will tell you a  about littele  the island of Java that is more precisely the island of  Madura, Madura because I choose my childhood in life in madura.
I like  grief  I  went through in Madura along with mother, father, brother and family Madura for approximately six (6) years.
           In Madura very thick with the culture and customs of family there so on hold me in Madura erat.
 When I could shower in the well which is located not far from my Madura.
In grandparents house I can see the green rice fields were filled by plants rice, beans, tubers,
 maize, as well as the season of mangoes I can taked  in front of my grandfather's house, 
his mango very nice meals such as: mango Harummanis, and many again.
The in Madura is very different from the city of Pontianak, in Madura although a three / three months it did not rain, 
the dry season is not felt as in Madura there are water sources (wells) .
When night fell coldness directly felt by the body.
     In Madura I can visit the GOA-GOA, Mount which I had never encountered in Pontianak city streets.
In  madura  is also very different,
 there the road is quite steep or bumpy.
          Every morning when the rainy season I can play at Rice along with those of friends of my friends, while looking for eels, small fish, crabs and shrimp are fairly large in addition to the well, I am very pleased again.that time there was very natural but do not know right now, want was like to go kemadura. 
That's some of the beauty that is in Madura ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
come on  friends visit to  MADURA.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

            Hello guys, never discouraged yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, especially for new students ,,,, keep the spirit alone ......
            Let us jointly feel the pleasure of science that we can learn especially at university UNTAN.Karena although we assume any hard lesson it would seem easier if we live it with full sincerity.
           On Wednesday, exactly on 19 October 2016, I along with my friends studied the subjects of English, I am really very happy, though at first I was scared because I lack the language inggris.Namun because of my teacher so belajannya very cool would this be light.
         On that day we learn about Grammer: especially about synonyms of verbs and Adverbs for Academic English,
        The first we learn VERBS along with some examples of words that contain synonyms of verbs.Sebelumnya can we know that the definition of verbs are verbs, whereas the equation kata.di synonym Below are some examples of sentences synonyms of the verb:
            Obliterate synonyms Destroyed, severed its synonym cut, conceive synonyms create, tolerate synonym allow, ingest inonimnya consume, pacify synonym calm (down), calibrate synonyms adjust, magnify synonyms enlarge, incentivize synonyms MOTIVATE, speculate synonyms theorize, levitate synonyms float, illustrate synonyms exemplify , elucidate clarify synonyms, synonyms impede interfere, synonyms advocate support.
               Dodi impede the car Rita
                Luna interfere street Ridho

                The second we learn adverbs, along with some examples of words that contain synonyms of adverbs.Sebelumnya we already know that adverbs adverb meaning "good place or nature of the information" below are some contah synonyms of adverb:
           Methodically synonyms systematically, begrudgingly synonyms resentfully, amicably synonyms quietly, unintelligibly synonyms unclearly, sporadically sinonimya occasionally, unequivocally synonyms indisputably, zealously synonyms eagerly, laboriously synonyms painfully, earnestly synonyms decisively, indisputably synonyms indisputably, definitively synonyms absolutely, faintly synonyms weakly, discreetly synonyms privately.

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

deskripsi film my life

Name: khoirunnisa Nim: F1261161031 Glimmer DREAM (AYU Widianti) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, a glimmer of DREAM, I chose this film because there are several events experienced by Ayu Widianti, in association with some kejaadian that happened in my life, even though my fight of MI until now feels heavier, but I believe where there's a will there's a way , this is a movie pendeskrian glimmer of DREAM. Ayu Widianti name, an elder of the two brothers were always the spirit lives his life despite having tasted the bitterness of life to reach all who became his dream, long story short, since he was 11 years old (exactly when the 5 th grade) he has been left by THE FATHER, now he lived with her mother good-natured, which ceaselessly to encourage their children, along with her two sisters, she lived at home is very simple, now that he has a grade 2 smp. Every morning before school, Ayu selalau drew water wells are in addition to the house, before the uniform, he ran quickly to the next door neighbor to take some rice, for he had brought the school and not for him eat melaikan for he was selling to school, after coming home from home neighbor he still ran as fast as he mampu.Alhamdulillah for that day that he sold rice selling well, even there are some children who do not miss. Teeeeeeeeet "school bell rang, it indicates that hour lesson was over, he immediately rushed to return the school to use the only bike that he has, he immediately return not to play, learn or do not perform activities of children that exist in umumnya.Setelah he arrived at his home he immediately changed clothes, after which he immediately set up a "flower to god that the message" after he was carrying the order to the person who ordered it, he returned to his house, clean up the house, and activities other house, after that instead he breaks but he was immediately rushed to stall SURTUS and not to eat of course melaikan he worked as a waitress, and a dishwasher (when she was a primary school), so lively the Ayu Widianti, now that he has a grade 2 junior high school and to help the economy of his mother, he still work in the shop, but with a different place, as in academic and in the choir, on one occasion he successfully won the champion 2 tinggat SMP. Subhanallah, we can conclude that all already proved that kekurangaan is not a hindrance for us to achieve our dream, which often terbesit our minds. Below are some relevant issues of the film on with my life. 1.waktu I was little I sempet goodbye to my father, but my father did not leave us, only in pontianak my father, mother, and my sister in Madura, but still no such thing komonikasi, at that time my mother was also working to Surabaya, so rarely do we together, but the first month of my mother pulang.Waktu after time went by, when I was 8 years old, we jointly took fathers to Pontianak and is now building a house in Pontianak.Meski simple but I am always grateful to now be together enjoying the bitter and the sweetness of life 2.Waktu Bustanul ULUM MI.di school, I also sell, since the time that the entry of daylight, so I noreh first, wash, then immediately create kueh for sale. 3. From the beginning until now very early in the morning I also do activities such as "noreh" 4.Can win the competitions, although not an international level, which is important to bring the trophy home. 5.Alhamdulillah over time, I can socialize with other people, and thank God for the support of parents, teachers, and my family, now I can build Scouts, theater, performing arts and can serve well for the school ever taught me, though still a lot of things I need to learn. 6.Bisa went to college at UNTAN even now have to struggle to pay money problems, and find the name SCHOLARSHIPS, but filled from above the film "WE WILL DEFINITELY THE CAN". Terimakisah for your attention, ma'af if there are less and if there are things that you think are somewhat exaggerated. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

foto selfie

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings........
      I will explain about the selfie ???? Maybe it is not foreign to us when they hear the words "selfie", selfie may langsungb haunt the minds of people is a place to express themselves and feel that the name of freedom does not feel the pressure and so forth.
     I think selfie it applies not only to teenagers, but children from the age of four or five years old can have stylish assortment, and the dewasapun interested yng name photo selfietersebut, for example in the facebook account of each person on average certainly selfie photo.
    Selfie it seems to me, "depending on the people who use it" could, positive and negative, critical thought patterns, and and could make her happy.
   If anyone asked me, whether you like it selfie photo ???????? my answer definitely is YES, and jik anyone asks again, are you when the photo selfie to 20 images per day ??? And my answer is definitely not, and depending on the circumstances.
    Um, perhaps listen to confused, why can answer like that ?????? um, actually I was like that namauknya "selfie" but because I did not have such media Androit hp, apple, sony, and other branded phone which has capacity for selfie, and a defining moment for selfie.
    But also resulted in the name selfie selfie fever, which is everywhere is not separated from the name selfien can also lead her into a human INDIVIDUALISM, which resulted in only terfokos himself ostensibly not need help from others.

Dua barang yang wajib dibawa

Name: khoirunnisa
NIM: F1261161031
Subject: English Language                  .TWO GOODS ARE ALWAYS BRING
        Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings........
        Perhaps so many items that are considered must be taken when going to travel out of the house, let alone a place somewhat distant and terbilng long distance, certainly all want dibawa.Khususnya women are fairly fashionable and versatile not want no lack "the slightest", from top to bottom must have noticed , diantanya goods that must be taken by people who would go to the place that is much like: hp, jarjer, power banks, make up, mirror, purse, drinking water, electronic rosary, reading books, mukena, lotion, perfume, al- Qur'an, and many other items, as well as personal gear.
                 Meanwhile, if according to my own, duabarang that must be taken is: Hp and mukena or kecil.Mungkin prayer books for the readers to ask, why should mukena texts or prayers that her choice ??????
My reason why I chose the items mentioned above is:
     Hp I say first because when I went away from home or with a long time, fear no information is important because usually the information was coming suddenly, wherever and whenever we are there "for our hp still active", although hp I still simple without a camera.
2.mukena texts or prayers
    Two items terseebut I obliged to carry anywhere, especially when entering college "mukena I use the course to prayer and to streamline the time, because by bringing mukena myself, I can pray in congregation.
     The second option is why I carry a small prayer books, transform and fill the empty times.
 Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Kamis, 29 September 2016

pertemuan tgl:28-09-2016

       .Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yarng sedang  terjadi
              Untuk membedakan tobe Presen continuos dan past continuos tense,tabel dibawah ini dapat kita terapkan karena lebih mudah dan efisien.






Example for present continuos:
     1.   (+):They are going to campus by bus
          (-):They are not going to campus by bus
          (?):Are they going to campus by bus
     2.(+):She is going to the market
        (-):She isn’t going to the market

Example for past continuos:
  1.(+):She was going to campus by motorcycle
       (-):She was not going to campus by motorcycle
       (?):Was she going to campus by motorcycle
    Contoh yang lain:
    1.He was opening thedoor
    2.You were cleaning a bath room

           Ving ini juga dapat diganti dengan AAN:          yaitu
1.ADJECTIVE(Kata sifat)
    1.This class is big
2.ADVERB(Kata keterangan)
        1.He was there
3.NOUN(kata benda)
         1.this is a bag
Dan noun ini dibagimenjadi dua bagian yaitu:kongkrit dan abstrak
              ≥≥SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE
      Semple future tense ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian yanng belum terjadi,masih direncanaka,atau kejadian dimasa yang akan datang.
1).(+):They will to campus by bus       2.(+):I wiil finish my studying 2021
     (-):They wiil not to campus by bus         (-):I wiil not finish my studying 2021
     (?):Wiil they to campus by bus               (?):Wiil I finish my  studying 2021
≥≥present perfect tense
Present perfuect tense ini digunakan untuk menyetakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasilnya masih bisa dirasakan.

..Cara menggunakan Has/Have:


1.(+):I have done the hamwork

     (?):Have I the hamwork


2.They(start)the course(ps.perfect)
3.Ana and Linda(open)the account(past.cont)
4.The bank(close)at 5 pm(s.present)
5.The dog(run)throught the park(s.past)
1.(+):She drank coffee
   (-):She did not drink coffe
    (?):Did she drink coffe
2.(+):They have started the course
    (-):They have not started the course
    (?):Have they started the course
3(+):.Ana and Linda were opening the account
   (-):Ana and Linda were not opening the account
   (?):Were Ana and Linda opening the account
4.(+):The bank closes at 5 pm
    (-):The bank does not close at 5 pm
    (?):Does the bank close at 5 pm
5.(+):The dog ran thought  the park
    (-):The dog didn’t run the park
     (?):Did the dog run the park.