Jumat, 18 November 2016


H allo ladies and Gantlemen………
 How are you today?????
I will tell you a little premature to share with all my friends especially those who are reading this blogging about  my favorite songs while karaoke .......
           First I have always liked karaoke with a D'Masiv songs white a tittle "Do not Give Up", I chose that song because in a song, taught me a lot about life that always takes the name of the struggle, as well as in the song was also taught that every trial that came of god is always a way out in improv problem a life within the song was taught to always be gratiful.Morever for new friends in college, certainly a lot of joy and sorrow that her name should always go whatever the circumstances.Is not it????
          The Piece lyrics are "jangan menyarah,,,,,,,,jangan menyerah hohoho……..sukuri apa yang ada hidup adalah anugrah……tetap jalani hidup ini melakukan yang terbaik………………!!!!!!!!!!!
          Very touching you, suited to ponder friend .........................
          The second is song a Ayu Ting-Ting that the guarantee can raise the spirits of us who are not spirit entitled "SAMBELO" very pleasant when we karaoke.In the song is very interesting words, for the upset-upset especially those who are betrayed definitely will cheer you all ............
          Please invite your friends to a karaoke joint, calculated in order to be closer .....


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